Happy moments with Ensemble Musikfabrik✨
Introduction and presentation of Linkage! project at 19.20 pm
Bnaya Halperin-Kaddari | Top-Game (2018/2019) gamified ritual for amplified tops, players, inductors and live-video - world premiere - commissioned by Ensemble Musikfabrik and Kunststiftung NRW
Stephan Winkler | Schweres tragend (2017) two singers, five instrumentalists and electronics
Rebecca Saunders | Nether (2017/2019) for soprano and 19 instruments - with excerpts from the last chapter of Ulysses, Molly Bloom´s Monologue, by James Joyce - commissioned by Philharmonie Essen, Ensemble Musikfabrik and Kunststiftung NRW
Sachika Ito, soprano
Daniel Gloger, countertenor
Thomas Hupfer, narrator
Juliet Fraser, soprano
Kerstin Ergenzinger, video
Thierry Bruehl, scenic arrangement (Schweres tragend)
Ensemble Musikfabrik
Bas Wiegers, conductor